Kayak and I have been goofing off this summer. I must have been doing too much roadwork 'cause I started limping on my left front paw. Kayak just can't be bothered to run when it is SO HOT! Sooo....we jump in the lake a lot which drives Mommy crazy as that is too much mud in the house!
There is quite a bit of work for us dogs on our farm. Earlier this summer we kept the birds out of the newly planted garden, then out of the cherry trees ( I think the birds won on that one though). Next Mommy got chickens and we took on the job of making sure the hawks, eagles, 'coons, coyotes & weasels didn't help themselves to a chicken dinner. We gave up on keeping the quail out of the chicken scratch though. Also as of right now I've been taken off red alert trying to keep the blackbirds out of the corn patch as the bird netting is up (whew).